Accounting Services
Our Accounting Services
would likely encompass some or all
of the following:
Performing review services on
your financial statements
Performing compilation services
on your financial statements
Preparing or updating financial
statements on monthly basis
Furnishing necessary MIS Reports
as per mutually agreed formats
Assistance in maintenance of
the necessary books of accounts
of the Company
Supervision of the accounting
transactions of the company to ensure
compliance with best accounting
Analysis of asset, liability,
equity, revenue and expense accounts
Agreed upon procedures tailored
to your specific needs
Design and implementation of systems
of internal control
Recruiting and training of client
accounting personnel
Inventory costing and support
Bookkeeping services
Preparation of quarterly and
annual, payroll, sales for sole
proprietorship, companies and partnerships.
We strongly believe in taking a
proactive approach to accounting.
As we provide you with first-rate
accounting services, we are always
looking at your company's future--one
step ahead of problems that might
arise--constantly taking the initiative
to suggest ways you can improve
your business.
We will provide whatever degree
of accounting service you desire,
from data entry and bookkeeping
to completely overhauling your accounting
system. We can complement your internal
accounting personnel as consultants
and supervisors or, if you have
no such staff to speak of, we can
take on all of your day-to-day accounting
In whatever capacity you choose
to use us, our foremost goal is
to help you improve your company's
efficiency and profit. We treat
every client's business as if it
were our own--with great care and
creative approaches to help you
make more money. Tax considerations
are integral to all of the work
we do. During the course of any
accounting engagement we evaluate
all the components of your business,
including tax issues.
The key to our accounting service
is that we tailor it to your unique
needs. We will come in when there's
a crunch and help you handle the
extra accounting workload. We can
assist you in setting up cost-saving
office systems and controls. We
will even help you recruit personnel
for your internal accounting department.
Furthermore, if a full-time financial
officer is not appropriate for your
circumstances, we can assist you
in that role. On top of this, we
are always available for consultation
and will take on special projects
upon a last minute's notice.
In every instance, you can count
on receiving personal attention
from a R. Kant Gupta & Co. partner.
This commitment is evident in our
many long-standing relationships
with clients, some of which is nearly
20 year old. We take great pride
in sticking with your business and
helping it grow.
You may e-mail
us for details
on how our accounting services can
enhance your operations